Membership & More
The YMCA Trafton Center is a membership based organization dedicated to providing individuals 50 and older with opportunities to connect with others, participate in learning and wellness opportunities and socialize.
Annual Membership is $120.00
( $10 a month!)
Your Annual Membership Includes so much! Check out all of the great member programs, classes & benefits below.
Meet new friends and create your own piece of art. Participants will learn the basic skills of working with flat clay, different effects based on form and glazes and tools of the trade.
Participants pay $25.00 per month (register in the office) and for their own clay.

Let your creative side shine while you paint with friends. Whatever your medium, come join the fun and receive feedback from other artists.

Knitting, crocheting, instruction and conversation, this group has it all. They are always ready to welcome a new member and share ideas, patterns and expertise.
Bring your project or just visit!

Jane Garnsey offers an in depth class on drawing and/or beginning painting. Each class is about 2 hours long and the cost is $5.00.
You need to bring your own supplies; however, we may have a few extra items to help get you started.

Robin Bibber runs a varied program featuring natural ways to combat aging and other topics related to living well. There is always a lot of information shared in this class, some lively discussion and a bit of humor as well.

Join Merilee Perkins for this group exercise class designed for people over 50. Class consists of warm up, strength training, balance exercises and fun interactions.

Join Betsy Baker for this gentle yoga experience. Progress at your own level and only do what you are comfortable performing. You will need your own mat.

Discover the benefits of this ancient form of martial arts practiced for the purposes of health and longevity that will improve balance, agility, strength, relaxation and coordination. A practice that emphasizes breathing and slow movements as atype of moving meditation.
$3.00 donation request for this class.

All the benefits of standing Tai Chi but geared for those who are more comfortable sitting. You will still improve your balance, agility and core strength.
$2.00 donation request for this class.

Cards, cards and more cards! Folks who play this game are happy to teach you so don't be shy. Give it a try!

Another great card game! Stop by and learn how to play from folks who love the game.

Know the suits in a deck of cards and how to count to 31? Then this card game is for you.
You will need some quarters and be ready for some laughs!

Pick up games or regular play. We have options for you.

As old as time, this game using patterns and tiles is sure to please. Our group is happy to teach you!

Even More to Trafton!

Social Center
The Trafton Center is a hub of activity. From coffee on the patio in the summer to lunches in the cafe' all year long, there is always something to do and someone to connect with.

Growing Community
The Trafton Center's Greenhouse is perfect for those who have a green thumb or who simply likes to smell the roses! Connect with nature all year round and grow something new, here at Trafton.

Trafton Travelers
Explore the city, state, country or world with the Trafton Travelers! With surprise trips, international trips and day trips offered, there is something for everyone to discover!

Trafton Kitchen
Stop by for lunch! Lunch is served by RSVP on Fridays for just $8.00.
Cafe' items available as well daily.