Champion Sponsors
Our Champions Sponsor Program allows local Businesses and Individuals to donate to the Sanford-Springvale Y through a three tier system. Each Individual tier offers more value and exposure for the donating party Starting with Silver and topping out at Platinum. Every donation received, stays here in our local community Y for programing, scholarships, equipment and more!
Contact Andy Orazio to learn more about becoming a Champion Sponsor: aorazio@sanfordymca.org

Dick & Pam Lolley

John Wasilesky

Mark Caron
Great East Consulting Services

Acton Veterinary Clinic
Ameriprise - Hoenig & Hoenig
Back To Health Chiropractic
Batchelder Brothers Insurance
Cumberland Farms
Dead River Company
Dunkin Donuts-Cafua
PATCO Construction Inc.
Rubb Building Systems
Sanford-Springvale Rotary
Springvale Fish & Game Club
York County Community Action/
Nasson Community Health
Gorham Savings Bank
Entrepreneur On Fire